
Parentalité - Jeunes

Article 01/04/2014 Rapport Théry : Filiation, origines, parentalité

« Filiation, origines, parentalité » : la dénomination de notre groupe de travail résume la mission qui nous a été confiée. Elle comportait deux volets distincts et liés. Le premier était d’élaborer, dans la perspective d’une prochaine loi sur la famille, des analyses et préconisations sur deux thèmes précis : l’accès ...
Article 01/11/2013 Les droits des enfants intersexes et trans’ sont-ils respectés en Europe ? Une perspective - COE

Les enfants trans’ et les enfants intersexes questionnent, par leur existence même, la structuration de nos sociétés européennes autour de ce qui a été appelé le modèle binaire du sexe et du genre. Il s’agit d’un « système de représentations normatif fondé sur l’idée simpliste d’une dichotomie de deux sexes définis bio...
Article 04/07/2013 Transsexual parenthood and new role assumptions

This study explores the parental role of transsexuals and compares this to common assumptions about transsexuality and parentage. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 14 male-to-female transsexuals and 14 men, half parents and half nonparents, in order to explore four thematic areas: self-representation of the ...
Article 02/10/2012 Impacts of Strong Parental Support for Trans Youth

A report prepared for Children’s Aid Society of Toronto and Delisle Youth Services. Télécharger l'étude : ...
Article 07/11/2011 Desisting and persisting gender dysphoria after childhood: A qualitative follow-up study

Abstract The aim of this qualitative study was to obtain a better understanding of the developmental trajectories of persistence and desistence of childhood gender dysphoria and the psychosexual outcome of gender dysphoric children. Twenty five adolescents (M age 15.88, range 14-18), diagnosed with a Gender Identity...
Article 07/02/2011 Management of the Transgender Adolescent

Abstract Transgender individuals are people whose self-identification as male, female, both, or neither (gender identity) does not match their assigned gender (identification by others as male or female based on natal sex). The phenomenon of transgender is uncommon, but as more media attention is directed toward the...
Article 14/07/2010 Puberty Suppression in Adolescents With Gender Identity Disorder: A Prospective Follow-Up Study

Abstract INTRODUCTION: Puberty suppression by means of gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues (GnRHa) is used for young transsexuals between 12 and 16 years of age. The purpose of this intervention is to relieve the suffering caused by the development of secondary sex characteristics and to provide time to make a...
Article 01/01/2010 Transgender children: more than a theoretical challenge

Abstract This research suggests that the majority of transgender people become aware of their gender identities at a very early age. As such many transgender children go through most, if not all, of their time in compulsory education knowing their gender identity is different from that expected of them. Transgender ...
Article 28/06/2008 The Treatment of Adolescent Transsexuals: Changing Insights

ABSTRACT Introduction. Treatment of individuals with gender identity disorder (GID) has in medicine nearly always met with a great deal of skepticism. Professionals largely follow the Standards of Care of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health. For adolescents, specific guidelines have also been ...
Article 18/09/2006 Adaptation and Adjustment in Children of Transsexual Parents

It is a relatively uncommon event that children find themselves in a situation with a parent who undergoes a transition from one sex to another. Unlike situations of divorce or a parent with a medical or major psychiatric disorder, it is unlikely that the children will know of other children who encounter similar situa...
Article 01/09/2006 Papa t'es belle

La famille, définie d’une manière minimale par les parents – un homme, le père et une femme, la mère – et leurs enfants n’est plus celle que l’on croit. Elle se conjugue différemment en fonction de ce que l’on est et de qui on aime. Actuellement, il existe diverses possibilités de fabriquer de l’humanité comme il ex...
Article 12/04/2006 Intimate Transitions: Transgender Practices of Partnering and Parenting

This article begins by examining sociological studies of intimacy and suggests that, despite a rise of interest in non-normative practices of sociality, transgender lives and experiences are absent from analyses of changing social relationships. Drawing on research data in the form of three case studies, I explore the ...
Article 01/07/2002 Children and Adolescents with Transsexual Parents

An investigation of the psychosocial development of children of transsexual parents provides a special opportunity to examine whether and how parental gender role influences children’s own gender development, mental health, family relationships and peer relationships. Data on the presence or absence of gender identity ...
Article 01/01/2002 Le désir d'avoir des enfants et la préservation de la fertilité

Une étude a été menée auprès de transsexuelles pour connaître leur opinion au sujet de la possibilité de congeler le sperme avant le début de tout traitement médical. Nous avons reçu les réponses de 121 femmes. La grande majorité d'entre elles pense que la congélation du sperme devrait être proposée et examinée avec...
Article 01/05/2001 How do transsexual people cope with their wish for a child?

In the past transition and reproduction seemed to be mutually exclusive for transsexual people. To many, loss of reproductive potential seemed the "price to pay" when transitioning. Even today, many medical experts - even those involved in the care of transsexual and transgendered people - are still critical when discu...
Article 01/05/2001 The children of a Transgendered Parent

I am currently running a study of the children of a transgendered parent as part of an ongoing commitment to the users of the Helpline organisation, Women of the Beaumont Society which I have been running for ten years. Why another study of children with a transgendered parent? After all, the Green study (Transsexua...
Article 02/12/1998 Transsexuals' children

In 1978 I published a paper on sexually atypical and gender atypical parents and their children (Green 1978). It described 21 children being raised by lesbian mothers and 16 by transsexual parents. Since that paper 20 years ago, none other has been published describing a series of children of transsexuals. This absence...
Article 01/06/1978 Sexual identity of 37 children raised by homosexual or transsexual parents

The author reports on 37 children who are being raised by female homosexuals or by parents who have changed sex (transsexuals): 21 by female homosexuals, 7 by male-to-female transsexuals, and 9 by female-to-male transsexuals. The children range in age from 3 to 20 years (mean = 9.3) and have lived in the sexually atypi...